Hope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you see it you'll never make it through the night. - Leia
Acceptances/Denials - Confirmations - Invoices:
Is your order outside of 45 days? Awesome! Thank you! We create our schedule based on these order submissions, so getting in early is so helpful. (However, we must have days off, and some hotels are unable to accept delivery early, so you may not get your first choice of delivery date.)
Outside of 45 Days, acceptances and denials will be sent at the 45-day mark, on a Monday. IE, May will be accepted on a Monday in mid-March.
Outside of 45 Days - Confirmations and Invoices: We will try to get most of them out two weeks before your delivery week. If not before.
Is your order within 10 to 45 days? On Mondays, we will review newly received orders for local delivery, try to fit them in, and send email acceptance or denial. (a full out denial is rare) Note: If we are traveling or away, they may be sent later in the week.
Order within 10 to 45 Days - Confirmations and Invoices: We will try to get most of them out two weeks before your delivery week.
Is your order within 10 days? You must message us at m.me/anewhopeconfections for real time acceptance or denial. You are considered accepted if you have already spoken to us. You should receive an invoice as soon as possible.